Raising God's Army by Joseph Spartan

Combat Training

Making no mistakes is what establishes the certainty of victory,
for it means conquering an enemy that is already defeated
Sun Tzu Art of War 722–481 BC

If we desire to secure peace, one of the most powerful instruments of our rising prosperity, it must be known, that we are at all times ready for War.
George Washington 1732–1799

Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and
innocent as doves.
Matthew 10:16

 In boot camp you learned the tactics to help you overcome sin and a few strategies to help you
when you struggle. In combat training you will learn to put that training into practice and how to go above and beyond boot camp and successfully engage your enemy on a daily basis. 

Faith is the driving force in combat training and you must have a strong faith to press forward and
continue on the path to righteousness. Without faith nothing is possible and with it all things are possible through Christ which strengthens you. It is the cornerstone of our belief and the strength of our protection, the banner above our heads and the love of our hearts. It is the power to overcome all things and the devotion to do it, the dedication to stay the course and the joy of victory. Our first lesson in battle training is this. 

The only Faith that is true, is the Faith that Overcomes

Faith is more than just the belief in things unseen or the hope in something unknown, true faith is
faith that overcomes all obstacles, transcends all doubts, fulfills everything and passes every test. If your faith is strong there is nothing that you cannot overcome, even death. When you have faith you overcome sin and gain life through Christ and that life is eternal. When you have faith you stand firm through every trial and test and tragedy you will never falter never surrender and never accept defeat. 

When you look at it from the right perspective you can easily see why faith is so important, for one
thing faith in Christ automatically requires the believer to have faith in his words. The words of Christ paint a portrait of how we should live whom we should trust and what happens to those who do not overcome sin and the world. His word tells us that the soul is eternal and that we all will be judged one day and that to escape that judgment we must overcome sin by following his commands. You see faith is so powerful because in light of our foreknowledge of eternal damnation we can find the strength to overcome anything in hopes of eternal
life. This is how faith in Christ regenerates man into the kingdom of God, by doing what he said and claiming victory over Satan through his teachings. That is why the only faith that is true is the faith that overcomes. 
In other words if you were offered the opportunity to have one good thing right now that would only
last a few moments or a million lifetimes worth of good things handed to you a year from now. Which one would you choose? It is the same with faith in Christ if you sin you are trading a few moments of false happiness for an eternity of true joy. Christ spoke of radical amputations as preferable to continuing in sin, such as if your hand causes you to sin cut it off and throw it away, he said it was better to enter the kingdom maimed then to lose your soul to eternal damnation. Now don’t run out and cut your hand off! The point he was making is
that nothing is worth more than your eternal soul and the destination of that soul, if you truly think about it this gives us a view into how horrible Hell truly is. Any place that I would cut my hand off in order to stay away from is
not a place I want to spend eternity. Another point this scripture makes is that nothing in this life, no pain no tragedy no suffering and no loss is worth losing your soul over.

In addition to all of these, hold up the shield of faith to stop the fiery arrows of the devil.  

Ephesians 6:16

Faith is our shield against the deceptions and attacks of Satan and the world and with it you have
the power to deflect all contrary and evil thoughts. Knowing the truth of salvation and damnation guards you from sin and gives you the ability to overcome all things. You have to know in your heart it is true not just believe
it but know it and when reality of the situation sets in you will learn to defend all attacks. Sometimes it is not until we are faced with the reality of Hell the eternal suffering and complete annihilation of all hope and love and
the incomparable pain of it that we begin to take Christ’s teachings seriously. Just remember Christ told us it was better to lose our bodies even our lives here on earth than to go to Hell. This is the strength of faith and the truth of
our battle that we do whatever it takes to overcome to the victory of eternal life and never accept defeat into damnation. The next lesson is simple in its own complexity but very important if you are to become a true asset in Gods Army.

There is only one road which leads to Victory

In life there are really only two roads you can take one which leads to the world and Satan and
one which leads to God and Salvation. The road to Satan is easy in fact it is the natural state of mankind to be on that road from birth, it is broad and easy to travel, has some amazing scenery along the way and promises a false sense of happiness for a short time. In combat the easiest roads to travel are the ones which lead to destruction. The road to God is narrow and straight it is an uphill climb and it is the hardest path you will ever take but the reward at the end of that road is worth the journey. Perception is everything and if you learn to see the journey as important as the destination you will find joy in your uphill struggle. It is akin to mountain climbing, the trek is perilous and hard with danger always close at hand but nothing can surpass the joy of accomplishment and view from the top of that mountain. 
Along the road which leads to God you will see sign posts which beckon you to turn to the right or
left back down the hill to the easy road with shade trees and beautiful streams and many places to rest. Never be deceived as tempting as it would be to sit under the shade tree next to the babbling brook you must always keep in mind that you are in war, there is no time to be distracted or lured into traps for every sign which promises rest and happiness leads to slavery and death. Such is the tempting of your spirit by Satan. But you are strong in faith you have filled your mind with righteous things and you always remember that anything that distracts you from God comes from Satan as a soldier in Gods Army you will stay the course and never be deceived. 

You must stay the course always without exceptions and without deviation, you must never surrender
to the desire to turn away from the straight road to God for you know that all roads lead to death that do not lead to him. Your battle cry to Satan is “I will NOT go that way! I will NOT do that sin!” hold it close to your heart and
imprint it upon your mind shout it at the top of your lungs if need be but never turn away from the path to God!

Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads
to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the
road that leads to life and only a few find it.                                                                 Matthew 7:13-14

Although the road of life is hard and full of troubles keep strong in all things you will overcome as
a soldier in Gods Army. The mindset of a successful soldier in combat is one of resolution one of devotion to the fight and one of victory. You are privy to the devils schemes through your devotion to the word of God and through the experiences of your own life so stand firm and do not be lead away to the slaughter.

Become a prayer Warrior

This is the next phase of combat training and possibly one of the most important so be sure to study
this section closely. In this training we will look at true prayer and the purpose, rewards and effects that it will have in your fight against Satan and the world. We will look closely at the Lord’s Prayer and what Christ taught us
about how to pray and the power of prayer. Remember that it is only through prayer that we can communicate with our King and without communication all endeavors will be lost. It should be at the very heart of your battle and the soul of your steadfast faith to pray always in the spirit about everything. Let’s look closely at the perfect prayer and the power within that amazing example.

And when you are praying, do not use meaningless repetition as the Gentiles do, for
they suppose that they will be heard for their many words. Do not be like them,
for your Father knows what you need before you ask him. This, then, is how you
should pray:

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on
earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; forgive us our
debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from the evil one. For yours is the kingdom and the power and the
glory forever. Amen.                                                      
                                                         Matthew 6:7-13

    To begin with Christ
shows us that using repetitious prayer is vain and wrong, I know that many
so-called Christian religions teach you to repeat certain prayers over and over
but it is against what Christ teaches and if you claim to follow Christ you must
follow his words, do not take offense to this for it is scripture and scripture
is truth and truth comes from God. Many teachings that are widely accepted today
have no foundation in scripture period and that is the facts, it is up to you to
decide whether you will accept the words of God or the teachings of man. This is
not just in prayer but in all things, the very middle of His word in the very
heart of the bible states it’s better to trust in God than to trust in man.  

So we know that repetition is meaningless we also know that God knows our hearts and the desires
of our hearts now combine this with the training from the first chapter of this where as you learned to make God your number one desire and you begin to see where true prayer in the spirit comes from, a lowly humble God loving God desiring heart. And so as an example to the sort of prayer that comes from this heart Christ opens by declaring God the Holy one and true creator of all things, our one true Father. Jesus said call no man on earth your father for there is only one true father and that is God in heaven. The first request in the prayer
is that Gods kingdom comes, this is the epitome of perfect prayer his first request that Gods kingdom would come shows where his heart was in teaching this true way of prayer to his disciples. He does not ask for some trivial thing like help paying the bills or that God would heal him or that God would do anything for him instead he prays that Gods kingdom would come. Next he prays that Gods will would be done on earth as in heaven, if you haven’t noticed there is nothing about this prayer to this point that in any way has a self desiring nature in essence he is placing God first and foremost in the prayer beginning with a praise and acknowledgement that God is true and holy and first in his thoughts second that his holy kingdom would prevail and third that his will is
done this shows us how we should be in prayer and in life placing God his kingdom and his will above and before our own desires! 

Christ then after
giving praise and glory to God and after praying that Gods desires be fulfilled
asked simply, give us our daily bread, this is amazing in the fact that he does
not ask for anything other than what he needs to survive this day whether
through edification from the word or through nourishment from a simple food but
not more than he needs to sustain, simply give us our allotted portion this day
for we trust you to do for us in our lives that which we need to survive and to
live from one day to the next be it food or spiritual learning. The next portion
of the prayer is very important! Because you are imperfect because you are a
sinner you will make mistakes from time to time you will never be perfect. You
will make mistakes you will hurt someone’s feelings you will do something wrong
guaranteed it happens to us all. But there will be those who wrong you too those
who hurt you those who hate you those who steel from you or hurt someone you
care about and it is your obligation to forgive them. If you have no forgiveness
in your heart what makes you think you are worthy of forgiveness? If you don’t
forgive the debt owed you why then should God forgive you the debt you owe him?
Christ asks that God forgives us according to our own forgiving nature. Remember
this always no matter what anyone does to you be quick to forgive them because
with the amount of forgiveness you have for others it will be given back to you
in the Day of Judgment.

Christ then asks that
we not be led into temptation and that we are delivered from the evil of the
world. This is important because temptation will come but he is faithful to
provide a way out in every single instance. We must ask every day not to be led
into temptation and to be delivered from evil because it is a daily battle that
we fight against evil and it is never ending. Christ ends the prayer where he
started just as the bible teaches God is the first and the last and so it is
with the prayer he begins glorifying God and ends by acknowledging that
everything is Gods and it is him who is worthy of praise and that it will remain
forever. There is no doubt that this is the most perfect way to pray in all the
world and we should model our prayer life after this not copy it or repeat it
over and over but to seek to bring our prayer to that same level of perfection
that same humble loving and careful prayer that comes from a loving heart.
Remember to pray often and truly in the spirit as Jesus taught us to

Be a worker for God

In all of your prayer remember this and never forget it all the prayer and faith
and abstinence from sin in the world does not replace doing work for God. In the
80s large groups of well meaning Christians flew all over the world just praying
for people, not one person was witnessed to not one person was given help or
ministered to they didn’t even talk to anyone they just prayed. Now we are not
here to judge these well meaning people but a thousand prayers without a single
person sharing the gospel is not what was asked of us at all. If you set out to
accept the amazing opportunity and gift of sharing the word with people then you
need to actually minister to those people, prayer is good but remember faith
comes from hearing and hearing from the word of God and as we have discussed
living for that word by living a scriptural life. We are saved by grace but we
are rewarded by our works, you will never work your way into heaven nor will you
ever be perfect and sinless and even if you achieved a sinless life remember you
have already sinned no one except Jesus was perfectly sinless so it is by faith
and grace that you will be saved but your works will be rewarded!

Sovereign Will

This is the most important thing for you to know at this point, if you learn nothing else I pray
that you will learn this. Every human on the face of this planet has a sovereign
will granted by God as we are created in his image. No one, demon angel or even
God himself will stand in the way of your will. In essence nothing in this life
has power over you unless you give it power over you. The afterlife is another
story but here in this life in this realm you chose what you will be and who you
will serve, whether that be demons, Satan, the world, yourself, remember
whatever you spend most of your life doing is what you have given power over you
and in essence has become your God. Be it your job, your money your life
whatever it is that you place above God has become your God. You have a guardian
angel watching over you and it protects you from rear attacks all things that
you are unaware of as legions of demons come after you each and every day, they
are strong and they will call in help if needed but demons have learned to lure
you into giving them power over you, instead of attacking without your knowledge
this is a much harder battle for them. It is much easier to get you to let them
control you through your will than to fight the angels. Just as God told Cain in
the bible we are to “Lord”over sin not let it have power over us. 
It is very important
that you truly understand the importance of this because you were created in
God’s image your will is free for you to choose and nothing will stand in the
way of that will and nothing in the universe will come against your will, until
you leave this life. Because you are made in His image you are also immortal so
what comes after this life is much more important than what happens in this
life. You in your body have a Godly power to overcome sin, it cannot rule over
you that is a lie of Satan you have power over sin nothing has power over you
except that which you give power over you. Remember this always for the soldier
in God’s army must choose to overcome and to serve God. In this life we glorify
ourselves because in his love he gave us a sovereign will and the ability to
choose our own paths but it is essential that we use this gift as power over
Satan and also use it to choose to serve God because after this life your will
accounts for nothing in the presence of God. 

The truth is not that
many are called and few chosen, but that many are called but few choose to
listen. You have the power in this life to overcome all sin all oppression and
to live a righteous life stop listening to Satan telling you that it is
impossible to life a righteous life because you can choose to live one. God in
his love sent his Son to pay for the original fallen state of man by grace we
are saved but we must dedicate our lives to being the true sons and daughters of
light. We are created for better things than this we are Gods Army, his chosen,
his elect, it is time for us to become what we have been called to be from the
foundations until this day.

The Omega