Raising God's Army by Joseph Spartan

The Omega

The end of all wisdom is Love, The begining is fear of God but whatever does not end in perfect love has not been completed in the work of Messiah. God is love and so we must learn to be Love. If we are to accept the truth of all things quite simply everything that is in Heaven or in God's Kingdom is perfected in Love.

One who claims to know God but does not love is a liar, and everything you do that is not done in love is worthless - Your Faith - your testemony - your works - Everything is dead without love.
There is a major problem in this day and age in that people don't trully understand what true selfless love is anymore. We place EGO what I think, what I want, what I need above the needs of others. The last command of Yeshua shows us the way, One last command I give you - Love one another as I have loved you.
This changes the entire structure of everything, it is easy to love another as much as you love yourself especially if you hate yourself, but to love enough that you would die for a terrorist or someone who hates you or has hurt you in some devestating way that you would even die for them to live - now that is a hard thing.

There is nothing about this that should be supprising to you as it is well laid out in many scriptures - everything you do for others it will be done for you. If you forgive even your worst enemies - if you are willing to die for those who hate you - if you love even the most evil people in this world, How much more will God love you?

True love thinks nothing of itself and has no need to seek anything for it's own purpose, True love is letting go everything about You and what you want and placing everything else above yourself. This is more important than you may realize but Jesus never had to say a single word - It is what He did that changed the world, to be Christ Like means you are willing with your actions more than your words to lay down your life for the world and forsake what you desire so that your actions will also speak louder than any words you could ever say.

I love you is not something that should ever have to be said - it is something you do, just like faith and hope these are not words they are actions and so is love.

Become perfect in love and lay down your life and all that you desire and in so doing you will understand what true righteousness is and it is then from this humble nature with a heart full of love willing to give all for others even your enemies that you will then see the truth behind the verse -
Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you.

God bless you and may we all learn to walk in perfect love shoulder to shoulder side by side until Gods Kingdom comes.

Joseph Spartan