Raising God's Army by Joseph Spartan
God created the b'nai Elohim
to reflect His glory,and reflect His word which  spoke all things into being. Before a third of the heavenly host  rebelled, they were stewards of creation, building civilizations on the terrestrial planets of our solar  system designed to glorify
the Word of God. The Cydonia "face" is a monument  constructed by these Sons of God, revealing their knowledge of the message in the stars. Both the  Cydonia face and the Sphinx are cherubim, combining figures in the  constellations Virgo and Leo, symbolic
representations of the first and second  advent of Christ on Earth.

    Richard Hoagland has demonstrated that the placement of the Mars
    sphinx  face allowed the dwellers of the Cydonia City to view a singular sight.
    On the morning of  the martian summer solstice, at some time in the
    very remote past, the EARTH  would be seen to rise out of the mouth of the
    Cydonia sphinx-- followed by the  sun. The significance of this celestial event
    was profound to the builders of  the Cydonia monuments, and identifies them as
    the pre-rebellion angels who had  dominion over the planets before the creation
    of Adam. These "martian" cherubim  understood the Gospel in the Stars, and
    intended the Cydonia  sphinx
    to symbolize the  promised Messiah , The Word made flesh, the Word of
    God Who spoke the universe  into



thus I brought a fire from your midst (Ezekiel 28)

The  Bible describes Satan, commonly called Lucifer, as having had a place in heaven.  Where in heaven did satan / lucifer dwell, and what happend to this being? Satan, or lucifer, dwelt in a literal location in the  heavens... which when destroyed left the debris we now see as asteroids and  comets.

The Mysterious  Parent Planet

Noted astronomer Tom Van Flandern, discusses the 'exploded planet' theory, asteroids and comets:

" ... is  Shoemaker- Levy 9 an asteroid or a comet? This is an issue being debated in the  journals right now. In the exploded planet hypothesis there is no difference.  Asteroids and comets are the same thing, except that comets were thrown out to a  greater distance, so by being away from the Sun for the few million years they  preserved their volatiles, their dust and gas, whereas asteroids have long since  had the dust and gas blown away by solar radiation pressure, because they're so  close to the Sun for millions of years. Other than that there is no difference.  They're both debris clouds [of an exploded planetary parent body] ...  "
Satellites sent to Mars in 1976
collected information concerning the geologic nature of Mars, and it's atmosphere. The images from the orbiters 
mapping sequence made it clear that Mars had experienced nearly unimaginable catastrophic episodes.With  the evidence of oceans of water having once flowed on Mars' surface in huge  quantities, it was apparent that the Martian atmosphere was
once more dense, the  climate  much more hospitable. Sometime in the remote past, for reasons still  being debated by astrophysicists, there was a cataclysm on Mars. The Martian  oceans washed over the surface of the planet, inundating
continents. The vast  atmosphere was ripped away, and the once Earth-like environment was laid  waste.

The  accepted theory for the creation of the asteroid belt  is "failed planet  accretion" -- that during the primordial beginning of the solar system a planet  which astronomers call Astera was forming in the place now occupied by the  asteroid belt, but because of its insufficient mass, and due to Jupiter's  gravitational influence, it fragmented. This theory cannot be correct, as it is  becoming obvious that both the planet Mars and the mysterious parent planet of  the asteroid belt once sustained oceans and atmospheres. This parent  planetary body was broken up in a cataclysm of Biblical  proportions.

In light  of the recent Pentagon announcement of water found at the poles of the Moon, and  the
confirmation of Hoagland's long contended theory of ice on Europa, does the theory that Mars was once habitable, possessing an atmosphere and oceans , sound  so unlikely? Doesn't the recent announcement of micro-organisms found in Mars  rock at least suggest the possibility that there were whole civilizations on  Mars long ago, before some cataclysm destroyed them?

Surprisingly there are numerous Bible passages that deal with the  terrestrial planets, in particular the planet which astronomers call Astera, the  fifth planet. These planets, the "rolling stones of fire" were capable of  supporting life forms, and indeed, were the seat of civilizations greater than  any we can imagine.

To  most people [ except maybe a mason or member of Illuminati ] "Lucifer" is  believed to be the actual name of the cherub who became Satan. HOWEVER, the  mistranslation " Lucifer " is only found in one passage of the Bible, Isaiah  14:12, and only in old translations [Vulgate, KJV]. Compare the King James  translation of Isaiah 14 to the

(KJV) "How art thou fallen from
O Lucifer, son
of  the morning!
how art
thou  cut down to the ground,
which didst weaken the nations!"
(Interlinear) "O shining star, son of
how you have
fallen  from the heavens...
you  said in your heart,
I will  go up to the heavens;
I will  raise my throne above the stars of
and I will sit in
the mount of meeting
in the sides of the  north...
I will be  compared to the most

This  often misinterpreted passage has lead some to conclude that Lucifer is a  different entity than Satan. At the very least, the King James mistranslation  compounds confusion because of the association of Venus / Lucifer / "Morning  Star". The original Hebrew makes clear that the word " Lucifer " is not an  accurate translation. "Light Bringer" clearly is not what was intended in this  passage. Unfortunately, the Hendricksen Interlinear Hebrew Bible translates the  phrase misleadingly as well, using "O shining star" instead of "Lucifer". The  actual Hebrew word hay-lale does not mean "star" but "bright or clear  sounding" [as in singing Hallelujah]  although it also denotes "brightly colored or shining", and appropriately,  "boastfulness and pride". If the intended meaning was "star", the Hebrew word  for star , kochob "a round rolling object", would have been  used.The  phrase, "son of morning" should read "son of the dawning", as in "the earliest"  or "the first" -- God created the angels at the dawn of all of His creation. A  more accurate English translation from the Hebrew should read, "O clear  sounding, boasting son from the beginning", describing this rebel angel who was  cast by God from the heavens. Satan is not the only "morning star" mentioned in  the Old Testament. Other passages describe the angels as sons from the morning  or dawning of creation:God  questioned Job from the whirlwind Job 38:4-7:

Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth?
... or who cast it's  corner stone, when
the  morning stars sang together,
and all the sons of God shouted for joy?
God  created the angels before he spoke the worlds into existence. God is known  throughout the Bible as the LORD OF HOSTS,
Job 25:2:

Rule and fear are with His He makes peace in his
high  places. Is there any number  to his armies?
Psalm 148: Praise Jehovah from the 
heavens: praise him from the  heights. Praise him, all his angels;
Praise him all his hosts. Praise him sun and moon;
praise him, all you stars of  light.
Praise him O heavens  of heavens;
Let them  praise the name of Jehovah;
for He commanded, and they were
created. And he established them forever and  ever;
He gave a decree that  they not pass away
Satan,  the greatest of God's angels, "sealed the measure" of perfection and beauty of  all creation. His nature reflected the glory of God, and the word of God which  spoke all creation into existence. Ezekial 28:
You were the anointed cherub
that covers, and I had put  you
in the holy height of  God...

You were perfect in your ways from the
day you were created, until iniquity was found in  you.

Ezekial's prophecy is addressed to the "king of the rock", an "anointed  Cherub", who is described as traveling "in the midst of the stones of fire"  which literally translated is "in the midst or among the eh-ben, 'built stones or rocks',of fire". BUILT STONES? What are they that the greatest angel created could travel up and down in their vastness? The answer is in the night sky. There can be seen "God built " stones reflecting the light of the sun.. . the planets. Before the creation of Adam, the civilizations of angels existed on the terrestrial planets. Throughout scripture there is a consistent reference to the first dwelling places of some of the ancient sons of God. These angels created habitations on the Earth, Mars, "Astera" the Fifth Planet, the Moon ... Ezekial 28: 3

Behold you are wiser than Daniel; every one of
the  secret things is not hidden  to you...
15 You were  perfect in your ways
from  the day you were created,
until iniquity was found in you.
16 By the multitude of your trade
they filled your midst with violence, and  you sinned.

So I cast you  profaned from the height of God,
18 By the host of your iniquities,
by the iniquity of your  trade,
you have profaned  your holy places;
thus I  brought a fire from your midst;
When Satan  rebelled, God cast him as profane from the height of heaven. Because of his  rebellion, Satan was destroyed from the midst of the " stones of fire ", the  planets, where he had reigned over literal material kingdoms. Evidence of the civilization  on Mars can still be seen, while another civilization of B'nai ha Elohim was  destroyed thoroughly, becoming the asteroid belt.

When  Satan and his angels rebelled, God destroyed their literal dwelling places.  According to scripture this destruction was swift and decisive. The fifth  terrestrial planet which God calls "Rahab" (boaster, pride), was obliterated.  Job 26:11-13:

The pillars of heaven are stunned at His  rebuke.
He quiets The sea  with his power,
- and by his  understanding He shatters  (maw-khats, dashes asunder),
Rahab, -by His spirit the heavens were  beautiful;
His hand forbids  the fugitive snake

 Clearly, God wrought destruction on the heads of the rebellious "sons",  with power that cannot be imagined. Satan is described as a snake trying to  escape the judgment of God .It is symbolized by the constellation Draconis,  which winds itself between the big and little dipper, which represented to the  ancients, the flock of the good sheperd and the stronghold
of the  saved. God  brought a fire out of Satan's midst, in the center of his greatest planetary  kingdom. The planet Rahab exploded sending pieces of itself into the orbits of  the interior terrestrial worlds. Asteroid impacts on the surface of mars rocked  the planet, oceans washed over its dry land. The martian atmosphere was blasted  into space.On earth virtually the same catastrophes took place -- DESTROYING CITIES CREATED ON  EARTH BEFORE THERE WERE EVEN ADAMS. Jeremiah 4:23-2:

I looked on the earth,
and beheld it formless (laid waste) and  void;
and to the heavens,  and they had no light.
I  looked on the mountains, and, behold, they
quaked. And all the hills were shaken.
I beheld and lo, there was no man  (Adams);
and all the cover  of the skies had fled.
I  looked, and, behold, the fruitful
place was a wilderness; and all its cities
were broken down before the face of  Jehovah,
before his glowing  anger. For so Jehovah has
said. The whole land shall be a desolation;
yet I will not make a full  end.

Jeremiah looked into the ages before Adam and described the
destruction  of the earth.

There were no  men, (descendents of Adam), yet there were cities which were destroyed by God's  wrath - who dwelt in these
cities? Never  in history, since the creation of Adam, has man been completely destroyed from  the earth, we ourselves are descended from Adam. The inhabitants of these  "cities" were in fact the angelic host, the B'nai Elohim, before the rebellion.The exact words of Genesis 1:2 "and the earth was  (became) formless and void", are recorded in chapter 4 verse 26 of Jeremiah. The  majority of Christian scholars believe Gen. 1:2 means that the earth was created  in an imperfect state. Genesis 1:1 lays the reality of
creation out clearly: In  the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The next sentence, "and the  earth was formless and void", is in error in most English translations. It  should read, "and the earth became formless and void." The Hebrew word  translated "was formless" in English versions of the Bible is "toh-ho" a  verb which means, "to lay waste". God  does not create confusion, He creates order out of nothing. Satan on the  other hand, corrupted what God had already created in perfection.
The  rebellion of Satan plunged all creation into a state of corruption,where before  it was perfect and glorified.

Satan's  rebellion was part of the plan. Romans 8:20:

For the creation was not willingly 
subjected to vanity, but  through Him subjecting it, on hope; that also 
the creation will be freed from the slavery of  corruption
to the freedom  and the glory of the children of God. 
For we know that all the creation groans together  and
travails together until  now.

God  uses the rebel angels to demonstrate His righteousness and mercy, and His  omniscience throughout history. This will one day be revealed to all creation  when the plan culminates here on Earth. The descendants of Adam are central to  that plan. All of the angels, especially the soon-to-be judged rebel angels,   are focused on the goings on of mortal humans on the earth. 1 Peter 1:110-12

Of which salvation the prophets
have  enquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace that should
come  unto you ... unto us they did minister the things, which are now reported
unto  you by them that have preached the gospel unto you with the Holy Ghost
sent down  from heaven;
which things  the angels desire to look into.

The truth of scripture is, "By His wisdom the heavens were beautiful",  then
rebellion came and with it, corruption and death. Psalm 89:10 

You have broken Rahab
in pieces, as one
slain: you have scattered
your  enemies with your
mighty  arm.
After  Satan's kingdoms were devastated, many of the rebellious angels were bound and  held until the time of judgment, the Day of the Lord -- the end of the age when  God gathers rebel angels on earth to receive His wrath. Other factions of the  rebel angels continued existing with the abilty to travel in the atmosphere  outward from earth, space, and amongst the planets - "the stones of fire". The  Book of Enoch, quoted by Jude the brother of Jesus, and considered an important  work by the early Christian Church, describes a terrifying vision, Enoch 18:13  :

And over an abyss I saw a place
that had no heaven  above it
and no firmament of  earth below it
it was a  void place,
and there I saw  a terrible thing:
seven  stars, like great burning mountains
and like spirits, that petitioned
me. The angel with me
said: "this is the place
of the consummation
of heaven and earth;
it is a prison for the stars of  heaven
and for the  host of heaven.
And the  stars that roll over the fire are they

who have transgressed the command of 
God... And He was enraged at  them, and bound them
till  the time and the consummation of their sins

in the year of the mystery."